Planning for 6th grade camp is well underway and we are looking forward to sharing Camp Michindoh’s Outdoor Experience with your student From Feb. 5 to Feb. 9, 2024. As a reminder, the cost of this year’s camp is $200 per student. Payments can be made in installments on the following schedule:
September 15 $50
October 16 $50
November 15 $50
December 15 $50
If you have not made a payment yet, please do so as soon as possible. Full payment can be made any time prior to Dec. 15, 2023. Checks should be made payable to Rossford Board of Education or you can pay in cash. Credit cards are not accepted. All payments should be dropped off in the Junior-Senior High School Main Office.
Included with this letter you will find a list of clothing and equipment students need for camp. Students will be outside frequently and snow, rain, and cold weather are all possibilities. Forms requiring your immediate attention are also included below. Please have your student return completed forms to Mrs. Hood or Mr. Dorn.
Students will depart from The R on Monday, Feb. 5 (located behind Rossford Elementary School near the baseball, softball diamonds and tennis courts) and should arrive at 8 a.m. Students will check in and any medications needed by the student will be collected by the nurse. Students will return on Friday, February 9 at approximately 1 p.m. back at The R. Please refer to the attached Travel Schedule for complete travel information.
An informational parent meeting is scheduled on Dec. 13, 2023 at 5 p.m. in the Junior-Senior High School Auditorium. It is important that all parents/guardians attend this meeting. Camp Michindoh representatives will be on hand to give a presentation and answer any questions you may have. Some questions may already be answered on the attached Frequently Asked Questions. We look forward to seeing you on December 13 and to spending an activity-filled week with your 6th grader in February.